Sunday, June 8, 2008

Oil crisis in Canada too

All through my 24-hour journey from Delhi to Canada, the subject of oil crisis was looming large. At the Hethrow airport I could see CSE chief Sunita Narain on the BBC talking about the oil crisis in India and the need to have fuel efficiency standards for the growing number of personal cars on Indian roads. Upon landing in Toronto, my lo cal host told me that petrol price touched a record high of 1.34 dollar a litre from yesterday's 1.29 dollar a litre. It is usally below a dollar. Interestingly, the retail prices in Canada change almost every day - they are directly linked to international prices and other factors that determine the supply position. Sometimes the price varies from one gas station to another. But never in the recant history the the hike has been in several dollars like this week. Usually the prices would be corrected in cents.

Incidentally, Toronto was much warmer at 31 degrees than I expected. Looks like all the woollens that have lugged from Delhi may not be put to use after all. Still, I intend hunting for Arctic gear in local stores on Monday. It is very difficult to get winter clothing in summer season... the same problem that I faced in Delhi...


Maanvi said...

Nice to know u reached after a long flight. The oil crisis that prevails in canada shows that india is not the only one who is facing the increasing prices of oil as the hullabaloo here shoes.
Neways enjoy your journey and keep us posted

Over the years said...

Way to go Dinesh... The other day I met Satya on his return from North Pole.. It was the first time I was meeting him... It is great to know that one of classmates is out to see the arctic!

Dinesh C Sharma said...


Didn't quite get who is this mysterious G? And Satya??

Over the years said...

Rajaraman.. Satya is with the Navy.. and has been to Everest, South Pole and Northpole...